What it takes to be a great leader
Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights…

Travel far enough, you meet yourself

Geweldloze Communicatie
Marchall B. Rosenberg helpt ons met zijn boek Geweldloze Communicatie stevig in het leven te staan, te zeggen wat we willen én te horen waar het de ander om gaat. Het is een taal van mededogen waarmee we de machtsstrijd overstijgen en bewegen naar samenwerking en vertrouwen. Zo verloopt de communicatie ontwapenend, doeltreffend en verbindend. [Read more…]
Play and the sense of being real
Donald Woods Winnicot (7 april 1896 – 28 januari 1971) was an English paeditricien and psychoanalyst who was expecially influential in the field of object relations theory. He is best known for this ideas of the true self and false self, and the the transitional object. We are grateful for his work and use it as an inspiration for The Leadership Lab. [Read more…]
Wilfred Bion

Wilfred Bion (8 september 1897 – 8 november 1979) was an influential Britisch Psychoanalist who became President of the Britisch Psycoanalytical Society. Bion is also know for his theory of the basic assumptions. Bion inspired The Leadership Lab with his ideas and work. [Read more…]
Faith can move mountains

See the world

Muhammad Ali
